About (SOP-AU)

Bachelor of Pharmacy & Diploma in Pharmacy work right at the heart of human healthcare, taking on roles relating to the design and development of new treatments, prescription and care management, and advising on the range of medical options available.

At SOP-AU, you will typically take modules focusing on chemistry, human biology and physiology, pharmaceutics (how medicines are made) and pharmacology (how drugs interact with the body).

You will learn all about prescriptions, drugs, medications, clinical practice, and practice responding to different scenarios. As you study pharmacy, you may have the opportunity to specialize in a particular type of role (such as new medicine development or patient care), or in a particular field of medical care (such as infectious diseases, or care of the elderly).

The four-year integrated B. Pharmacy, two year Diploma In Pharmacy. School of Pharmacy - Aryavart University (SOP-AU) has world-class facilities and pedagogy, which are constantly reviewed and upgraded to reflect the latest trends and developments in Pharmaceutical education.

The ongoing programme of the SOP-AU attempts to strike a right balance between the compulsory subjects prescribed by the Pharmacy Council of India. The SOP-AU aims to blend the theoretical knowledge with practical learning and development of skills and professional attitude through clinical and Medical education. Our programmes develop a critical awareness of the common Clinical And Critical Medical health education.


Bachelor of Pharmacy & Diploma in Pharmacy course taught at School of Pharmacy- Aryavart University, Sehore are recognized and approved by Pharmacy Counselling of India, New Delhi
Message from Dean

School of Pharmacy- Aryavart University (SOP-AU) is committed to groom its students to become best Pharmacist, civil servants, social workers/ activists, corporate professionals and to excel in their careers and lives as exemplary leaders.

It gives me immense pleasure to extend my warm welcome to the world of pharmacy at our Institute. We at SOP-AU are committed to impart value based quality education along with development of positive attitude, skills and abilities to apply knowledge in order to execute the turnout of quality Pharmacists to meet the emerging challenges of present era.

SOP-AU has qualified, experienced and student caring faculty, well equipped multipurpose laboratories, spacious lecture halls and tutorial rooms, huge library, computer laboratory with internet facility and a play ground with sports facilities. Hope you will enjoy the academic ambience and personalized concern while expanding your academic and cultural horizons.

Dr. S.P. Chaturvedi
Dean School of Pharmacy, Aryavart University